Pen is a tool that often we see. A simple thing yet a very useful tool for everyone like students, businessman and even a housewife. However this simple thing makes me realize about something that are very important to our society; unity.
As we know pen has a lot of types. Some are big, some small, some are very expensive until reach hundreds of ringgit and some just eighty cent. However when we holding any type of pen and idiotically ask others what was it, they will answer it is a pen. It’s the same thing when we go outside of our beloved country. When other person ask about whom we are, we will proudly answer that we are a Malaysian. No matter where we go, we will answer the same answer. Therefore if we are proudly said that we are Malaysian in other country, why don’t we do the same thing in our own country, by being proud to be a Malaysian in the land of Malaysia?
The second point is when we writing using a pen. When we write something on a paper, we use a little effort to make what we write visible. It is the same as unity. We need a little effort to unite a society. Open house, sports day and telematch in housing area are types of effort we can do in order to form a unity.
My third point is the feeling when we are writing. For example if we are a novelist and suddenly we have a lot of ideas, we will feel very happy and willingly write our ideas even it will take us 10-12 pages. However, imagine when we unwillingly doing our assignment, even though that assignment only required 5 sentences, the feeling to write is very hard. The same case when it came to unity. When we already have bad thoughts towards others, to unite with others will felt very hard. However if we try to have positive thinking and try to not have wrong conception to each other, we can easily communicate with each other and communication can create a bonding between us which lead to the unity.
That is all of my point on how a simple thing like pen can make me realize something very important like unity. Thank you for reading.